Lost In Blue Walkthrough

Lost In Blue Walkthrough Average ratng: 7,5/10 8746 reviews

Crush the castle players pack. Lost in Blue is a survival game developed and published by Konami for Nintendo DS in 2005. It is a continuation of the Survival Kids series. The game features two teenagers, Keith and Skye, who are washed up on a deserted island after the cruise ship they were on sinks. During a storm, a cruise. Walkthrough - Ending Guide Walkthrough for Lost in Blue 3 Nintendo DS: -Lost In Blue 3 Endings FAQVersion 1.00By yunakitty (livserge331@comcast.net-There are multiple endings possible in Lost in Blue 3. Some can be completed by all characters, and some only by one. 50 cent blood on the sand pc download utorrent.

Part 5: Days 21-23: Beyond The Ruins

Last time on Missing in Cerulean, we discovered some ancient block pushing puzzles. Unfortunately, they've fallen into a state of disuse due to having nobody played this game for some considerable length of time. Let's fix that.
Music: Good Morning
Immediately on waking up I grab Skye and leg it to the jungle.
Let's find another path.
..Thank you.
Skye, in service to nothing but wasting my time, will not walk through the swamp. This just means I need to take the long way around the jungle but it's kind of a pain.
Going back across the lake, I kinda expected the two to have something to say to each other during the cruise but they both just stand there in awkward silence for half a minute.
Oh, I see.
(She's trying to say something..)
Choice 1: Why don't you go in, I'll go away for a little while?
Choice 2: I'm going to go in, can you go away?
Choice 3:: Let's go in together.
I don't actually know what all of these options do because this is the first playthrough where it occurred to me to try and make them get in together. Apparently my way of thinking is too prudish for this game because I just assumed it wouldn't work previously.
Let's go in together.
I decided to be bold.
(She's blushing.)
Yeah, it sure does.
Ahhh, I feel refreshed now.
Yes, me too.
Nice, a positive result for our relationship score as well as a decent Energy boost, which we won't really need but it's there.
Anyway, back to business.

Music: Progress
The water started to run.
You're right. I wonder where this connects to.
Are you ok? Let's go back for today.
Music: Cave
Just like that, we're instantly teleported back to the cave which is why I didn't do this at first opportunity. Wanted to show off the rest of the area first.
Thanks, that was really helpful.
No problem, it was nice to see more of the island!
Some amount of boring prepratory stuff later and I head off back over the lake to the ancient ruins once more.
Music: Ruins Entrance
It sounds like water..
Oh, so that's where the conduit by the lake connects to.
You can also drink from the artificial river this has created, which is a lovely act of mercy else Thirst would be a pretty huge issue while we're in here because the following section takes a very long time.
Music: Ruins
I'd like to get on with the actual point of the ruins but Keith is once again distracted by running water despite the fact we have just established that water now runs in here.
I like to envision Keith taking on a Jar Jar-esque accent for this line rather than it simply being more shoddy proofreading.
Looks like it'a some kind of aqueduct. The water is rushing pretty strongly in there. I think I'll be carried by the current if I jump in.
This little hole is in all of the rooms of the ruins and will spit you back out at the entrance if you jump in which is a mechanic that clearly gears the ruins to being done a small bit at a time frequently backing out to rest up.
I've decided to make it much harder on myself by doing the entire thing in one shot.

We need to arrange these crates such that we can jump from one platform to the other, even if right now they're not on the same level. This puzzle is a simple one that exists solely to force you to learn that Keith can jump upto a maximum of two squares of space in one go and no more.
Easy enough solution, let's get moving.
I hear water..
What do I do? What do I do?
I'm sure you've grasped the significance of all this by now.
Oh, it stopped. Whew, that scared me a bit. I guess stepping on this switch makes the water come up which makes the boxes float.
There he goes, gleefully assuming the player isn't very bright again.
Hmmm, there's a switch on this side too..
This switch is for..backtracking the long way? I honestly don't know why this is here when the game provides a fast track back to the entrance already.
Keith's enthusiasm mirrors my own.
A new kind of block presents itself to us. I won't belittle your intelligence by telling you what its deal is but Keith will in due time.
The stone cubes don't float.
Thank you, Keith. We just need to move the crate one up from where it currently is, but this takes a bit of shuffling with all the stone cubes. Another easy tutorial puzzle.
As you may have surmised already, all this block shuffling takes a massive toll on Keith's Energy as well as just taking lots of time in general to actually do because block pushing in this game is excruciatingly slow. At any rate, this means doing the whole thing in one shot like I'm doing is both inadvisable and takes a lot of prep work, mainly involving stockpiling lots of energy mushrooms and food for Keith while also filling up on food, water and firewood for Skye. This takes a very very long time.

Puzzle the third is a wee bit more complicated but not by a whole lot.
This is an almost identical puzzle with added fiddlyness in the form of a whole bunch of stone blocks to shift around.
The fifth puzzle ups the ante somewhat by looking difficult without actually being so in the slightest. There's far more crates than is actually needed to complete the puzzle.
Just create a line of blocks with two squares of space from the start platform to the end platform, the two crates kinda just floating in the middle there are the odd ones out.
Music: Ruins #2
The sixth puzzle brings about a slight change in music as well as being the first one I'd actually call somewhat difficult. I mean, what you actually need to do is pretty obvious but actually doing it is a long, laborious process.
About halfway through solving this puzzle midnight actually struck and the game rolled over to the next day, this does actually bring up the Today's Results screen regardless of where you are which totally interrupted my puzzle-solving train of thought but also highlights just how fucking long this all takes.

Nevertheless, the solution. Google a walkthrough yourself if you want to see how I actually achieved this because I'm so not detailing the 30-odd steps needed to solve these.
Yep, there's still more of these and they're starting to scale in how elaborate they are quite rapidly. I think this one's easier than the sixth though but it still takes about as long.
Please let this be the last one. This one introduces the blue stone blocks which neither float nor can they be moved, this is the only kind of block Keith trusts you to be smart enough to work out on your own because he won't comment on these ones.
This one also looks way more complicated than it is because the left half of the puzzle has already been solved for you, you only need to shuffle things around the right hand side to solve this one.

I have to say this is starting to outstay its welcome and in a frustrating inversion of the previous puzzle, looks simple but is actually quite hard if you're like me and you resent block pushing puzzles because you're no good at them.
The puzzle sensing my hatred for it refuses to co-operate with me when it comes to getting a good screenshot of the solution, this is the best I could manage sadly.
This..definitely seems like a downgrade in complexity from the past puzzles.
I heard something moving above.
There are two such block and hole 'puzzles' in this room, so I do the one on the right side now.
It's connected to the outside! I can exit the ruins now!
Well, this is a weirdly anticlimactic end to the ruins and its puzzles. Still don't really know why or who built all this stuff and nor will we ever because apparently it's not a question worth exploring.
Instead of stepping outside for some fresh air, I'm going to go back and hit the door on the left first though.

It connects to this room containing nothing but a rather long spiral ramp upwards, eventually at the top we enter another door.
Music: Ruins Entrance
I'm back in the first room now. That passage connects the beginning of the ruins to the end.
Unlike almost every other shortcut in this game, this one shows the sort of mercy I will debase myself in glee for by being actually two-way although I think this is a matter of necessity rather than actually thinking of the player because Skye wouldn't be able to traverse the block puzzles in the event I drag her down here.
Right then, let's head outside!

Music: Discovery
I'm saved!
Woah, an actual twist! Keith moves to start running towards the guy but nimbly jumps back behind the foilage when he sees another person approach.
Yes sir!
What the heck are you doing here?
Sir! Since this is the only path to the hideout, I though [sic] it most effective to guard this area!
You fool! Don't ever think what's best, just follow the manual!
Yes sir!
What is the proper patrol protocol, soldier?
Keep your mouth shut and rotate clockwise, sir!
What do you do when you find an intruder?
Catch them and turn them into shark bait!
Oh. Okay then, new plan. Don't try and talk to the group of assholes.
Good! You'd better not screw up because I'd never hear the end of it. The boss hasn't been in a good mood recently. If you do something like let an intruder pass by, you'll be the one ending up as shark bait.
Who were those guys? I finally find other people, but they seem pretty suspicious.
'Pretty suspicious'? Keith they loudly announced their intention to kill whoever trespasses, surely that's a bit more than 'pretty suspicious'?
What should I do? No matter what, I can't get spotted by those guys.
Control has been returned to us at this point and the game provides us with these icons on the edge of the screen that indicate positions of the bandits.
Now they look and sound pretty bad but I'm sure that they'll help a lost teenage boy out, right? Let's give them a chance and talk to them.

Contact achieved, let's see where this goes.
This guy very rudely ignores our attempts at communication by walking into the wall constantly. I think I see now why Skye isn't allowed to do anything on her own if this is the standard for AI I'm working with here.
I am seriously running into this guy's face in an attempt to dislodge him from the wall. I am trying to trigger a goddamn failstate here and the game won't even let me have that!
Music: Chase
Finally, we have been noticed! Also it triggers a pretty cool piece of music that you will never have time to listen to in the game proper, it sounds almost Crash Bandicoot-esque.
Don't get much time to enjoy the music though because the dick immediately makes us eat dirt before the screen fades out.
Music: Game Over
We're thrown into some kind of cell followed by the game fading out and it instantly kicking us back to the title screen. So yeah, getting caught is functional instant death but evading capture isn't too hard, I mean you saw how hard I had to force it to happen.
Anyway, getting onto actual stuff to do in this area, heading north I push a log near a ledge I could easily scale myself so apparently I'm gonna need to bring Skye here at some point.
Actually up the ledge though, is nothing more than a few mushrooms and a water source. By this point I've noticed the water sources are spread evenly enough that it kind of obviates the need for water bottles, the only thing I've really used those for is ferrying water back from the river to the jerrycan for Skye. Not really complaining but I do find it curious since food becomes almost non-existant once you cross the lake.
In the south-western bit of the map, there's another water source. This one strangely having no Skye-friendly path to reach it.
Just east of said water source is a log we can push up to another ledge, you can't push this log towards the water source because I tried to do that and just hit some kind of invisible wall.
Once on the ledge, we can run all the way around most of the area onto this long log which leads us to..
Remember this? This was the one-way shortcut back to the savannah we hadn't been able to use before. I really wish all of the one way shortcuts were like the waterfall where they're designed such that you can just push some logs to form a two-way path that didn't exist before. As it stands if I jump off, I will have to walk back through the entire sodding island to get back to this point. The ruins being largely skippable helps but it's still just lots of uneventful walking.
Heading back to the northern part of the area (the bit where the actual bandits are) I skillfully evade sight by holding down the run button and head down this little ramp.
A boat!
With no regard for personal property, I clamber onto to the top of the boat.
I need a key to start the boat.
Now we're getting into the end game, potential escape route #1: Steal a boat. No idea about the key right now though, so onwards further to the north.
Music: Hideout
I have to find a way to escape this island.
They're talking.
..every single day, the squad leader yells at me, the foreman puts me down and all we eat are potatoes! I can't stand this anymore!
Hey, watch what you say. You know the squad leader loves making his potatoes. You'd be in deep trouble if he overhears you complaining.
By the way, shouldn't you be at your post?
No one's going to sneak in. This island's uninhabited!
Yeah but, the squad leader will scold us..
Squad Leader? Foreman? Those must be the bosses around here.
Since those guards are presently lingering around the left door to the hideout, we ignore them and enter through the completely unguarded right door instead.
Phew, I made it inside. I wonder what these guys do, seeing them hiding out here makes me think they must be doing something shady.
I should find out more about their operation.
We appear to be in some kind of storage room right now and stuck to the wall is an inventory.
There's a note on the wall.
Equipment Rental List: Sailing for dummys, Squad Leader. Massage Device, Boss.
Thanks for that, game.
Key for the Boat, Squad Leader. Playing Cards, Guard B.
Fuck yeah, gonna steal me some playing cards!
Key to the Warehouse, Foreman.
If I stand on this, I think I can get up on the rafters.
Music: Hideout #2
I can see them from up here, if I walk on these beams, I can watch them.
Let's get our eavesdrop on, but don't be too hasty, running on the beams will get ourselves busted immediately, walk don't run.
I wonder if he's the leader?
Huh? What?!
We've carried the number 3 container to the ship like we were told, but now the Foreman's saying it was number 4, not 3 and he says it's our fault.
The Squad Leader expresses his shock by performing some jumping jacks on the spot for some reason. Body proportions like that take constant maintaining, I guess.
What?! That numbskull! I'll go over his head if he wastes my time again!
Keith's confusion mirrors my own. I've never heard that phrase used to mean what I think it is supposed to mean in that particular context. Putting this one down to shoddy translation again, K? K. EDIT: Nope just turns out I'm not very bright with idioms.
Sounds like the Squad Leader's not the boss around here.
I said it was number 4 from the beginning.
You're lying! You didn't say that!
Could you not yell at me every time we talk? You're always yelling, which is probably why you're losing your hearing making you incapable of hearing the right number.
How dare youuuuu!!!
What the heck are you two bickering about? Stop wasting time and take care of the merchandise!
Yes sir!
I like how these two kinda run into each other and screw up the pathfinding on the way out, I doubt that was intentional because it looks janky but it adds something to the scene.
Incompetent fools. They're such a pain..
Keith continues to be sharp as a tack. Control thus returned to us there's nothing else we can do here at this point, so I make the long trek back home.
On the way back home, Keith just passes out on the floor from exhaustion because this is apparently a thing that can happen. It is not as you might reasonably assume tied to your Energy stat because between absurd numbers of energy mushrooms and the hot spring my Energy meter is fine at this point, just seems to be a result of not having officially 'slept' in the cave since Keith has been away from home for a full day and a half at this point.
Poor guy needs rest but he passed out like two minutes from where he can get it, such is the cruel hand of fate. Or not, because this lasts for about five seconds then he's right back on his feet. One last thing before going home though..

It's the lifeboat she washed ashore in..
Hmm, the waves look smaller now. Ah! The direction of the wind changed.
I wonder if we can use it to escape the island.
Let's just ride the boat out to sea with no preparation whatsoever this cannot end poorly at all! No, we're not doing that, at least not yet. But it is another escape option revealed to us!
Music: Discovery
What's wrong?
Today, I finally found other people.
What!? Really?
Yes..but. They seemed really dangerous.
Yeah, like they're hiding out on this island doing something bad. I don't think they're the kind of people who will help us..
I see..
But if there's people here, that means there are ways to reach the outside.
Yeah, you may be right.
In that case, maybe if I sneak into their hideout, I might be able to find a way to escape!
It's cute when the game hasn't properly caught up to what I've actually done.
Eh, b-but, what if they find you?
Choice 1: They don't know I'm here, and it's our only hope.
Choice 2: I'm really good at running away.
Choice 3: Then I'll just join them.
I really hope Skye can appreciate an attempt at levity.
I'm really good at running away.
Ahaha, is that so? Just be careful, ok?
I will, don't worry.
Success! Also the game once again awkwardly immediately transitions into another cutscene because I don't like the pace the game assumes it will be running at.
Music: Friends
Guess what? They have a boat! I think we can escape from here!
A boat?
Yeah, we just have to find some way to steal it!
I see. I see! We can..escape from here!
words fail me with how funny it is that Keith just does not give a fuck about how excited Skye is about this.
But don't do anything to put yourself in danger, even if it's to get us out of here, ok? You don't have to rush things..
Ok, I got it.
A second awkward immediate cutscene transition happens.
I just checked the lifeboat you washed ashore in and noticed that the waves are really calm. I think we might be able to use the lifeboat to escape now!
For the record, I don't know what arbitrary flag I tripped for the lifeboat to suddenly be a viable escape mechanism, but it seems to be roughly around the time you find the other escape methods anwyay.
I'm sorry, I'm just a little shocked. It's just that..now that we can escape..I'm so happy, I started to cry.
Don't worry, it's going to be ok..
Yes..I know.
Now all that's left is to wait for the right moment. Let's be ready to leave anytime.
Got it.
And that finally puts a lid on the cutscene barrage! So, we have thus far discovered two escape options and a third has been kinda obliquely hinted at. The fourth and final escape method is random as fuck but I'll include it now anyway.
I'm going to cover all the endings eventually so need for a vote or anything but right now are options to escape are:
1.) Steal the boat.
2.) Use Skye's old lifeboat
3.) Sneak onto a container being shipped out and escape that way. Vaguely referenced in the conversation between the Foreman and Squad Leader.
4.) Using the boss's radio to call a rescue boat. How you're supposed to know this one exists is beyond me because the conditions to trigger it are fucking arcane.
But on that note, that's all there is to do for this day.

Next time on Lost In Blue: Escape!