Slasher Brownie

Slasher Brownie Average ratng: 8,2/10 6509 reviews

Reading reviews for this film and talking to people who have seen it, its odd but the opinions seem cut through the middle. People eighter detest it or like it.I am in the group that liked this film.I like that this is more cerebral space drama than a slam bang action fest such as Armageddon ( wich I still think is one of the most retarded films ever made.) While the FX and the action in the film is quite good.the movie does feel a bit cheesy in the many things happen and solved to quickly.I think they cut a lot of footage of this film.Maybe the film might have a more cohesive feel in a directors cut.But still a great and entertaining ride.check it out! I didnt think the third film would come close to the first flick.since this film didn't have Kevin Williamson on board. But I was pleasantly surprised the intensity this had.The final quarter is incredible, a non-stop bloody ride that only comes to a screeching halt once the killer is revealed.In the first scream the ending worked great, because the killer was the one we least suspected and actually cared for and trusted. But in this film the killer is a minor character and it does not carry any emotional impact at all. But it dont matter.this series ends in style and with respect for the characters. This is Dreamworks' first venture into the world of animation.And I have to say I was very impressed.While almost as good as Disneys best,it is clear that Disney has a new opponent in the animated feature market.I really respect Dreamworks not taking the easy way out and animating another fairy tale,they opted to go for a biblical story,wich I highly respect.

The film has some flaws however,like some unimpressive songs ( except 'When you beleive' wich is absolutely brilliant.I mean the movie version.not the bloated 'Mariah and Withney' top 40 song.) and some awkward animation. But for the rest its one of the best animated films I have seen and a great job by Dreamworks. At the end of Alien 3.we see a our heroine: Ripley.Tired and beaten.Finally succumb to the Alien that she tried so hard to stop.She was a fighter that sacrificed herself in her battle to save mankind. A sad but fitting end to a great sci-fi trilogy. WHAT?Whats this.another Alien movie.what the?This cant be good.In the fourth Alien movie.they revived Ripley and put her in this pathetic film.All that was classy and real about the series has been replaced with cheesy FX,dumb action and bad one liners.

Please try to forget this movie.and stick with the first 3 instead. This movie was one of the best marketed movies ever. I mean the trailers where you simply saw people looking up at the sky and see a giant shadow blanket a city was brilliant! It sure made me pumped up to see the movie.And you know what? I really liked this flick,yeah there are some REALLY dumb moments and the some characters are stereo typical.But I didnt care.this movie has enough action,laughs and eye popping fx to keep everyone entertained.And some of the best dog-fights and explosions I have EVER seen.Gotta love it when they vaporize the White house ( Hillary!RUN!)Great fun!

Another great film by Steven Spielberg. Based on the book by Michael Crichton,an exciting ride in the 'what if' realm.A great techno thriller that gives the creepy impression something like this can actually happen. Some of the first great digital FX shots are used here to bring dinosaurs back to life.I absolutely LOVE the T-rex,the first time I saw the film I felt like I was looking at an actual living,breathing Dinosaur.And you gotta love that T-rex roar!KEWL!Cant wait to hear it on DVD ( Hear that Steven??!) Even though the movie is FAR from perfect (This movie has the most goofs I have EVER noticed in a film,but nobody likes a do they?)And no more crappy sequels please 'The Lost world' was bad enough! I was very surprised by this movie.I was expecting a horror flick (Thats what the trailers led me to believe).But what I got was a fantastic drama with some genuinely chilling moments. With fantastic peformances by the young boy ( wow!this kid is great!)and Bruce Willis (In a great subdued role.) This movie reminded me a lot of 'The Silence of the Lambs'. Since it also had that great balance of great plot,acting,cinematography and chills.And then of course the ending.WOW!not to spoil anything for you.Its great! And will have you thinking about it for hours after the movie is over.Go see it.NOW!

I heard a lot of hype about this movie.But that kinda spoiled the experience a bit for me.Since this film would have been way scarier if people thought it was real.Oh well. The movie was still pretty good.Its a whole different kind of scary movie,since the enemy ( enemies?) are never seen,not even a glimpse.So the audience keeps guessing untill the end,:was there actually a 'Blair witch'?Or just some very sadistic killers that enjoyed playing games with their victims.And its cool that virtually no gore is used at all. And thank God no cheap 'jump at ya' scares.I was actually getting chills and gripping my seat at the dark screen,the darkness reminded me of when I was a child scared of the dark. ( This movie works great in a dark theater,but I'm not sure how it will work in a living room TV.Maybe too 'Home-movieish?' ) Its great what filmakers can come up with,when there is no money for flashy fx.The only thing missing is a slight glimpse of what was hunting them.a shadow, a shape.but nope,maybe it does work in the movie's adventage in the end for some people.But I wanted a bit more, but still a very cool idea.Great job guys! I heard some bad reviews for this movie but I decided to check it out anyways,nice I like the work of the director:Renny Harlin ( Die Hard2, and Cliffhanger were really cool). And I actually liked the movie.It rips a lot of ideas from The Abyss,Jurassic Park and of course Jaws.But adds some cool cool stuff like great fx ( The CGI and mechanical sharks looked quite good), some really nasty shark attacks,nice action scenes and some great stuff blowin' up!The characters are kinda dumb ( except for LL Cool J.he pretty much steals the show )and the dialogue moronic at times.But the nice surprises the movie throws at you are fun and keep things moving.Check it out for some wet fun!

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This movie had everything going for it.A good cast.A good director ( Speed and Twister were great fun!).FX from ILM and sound by Skywalker Sound.Hell,even the previews looked cool. But I was so wrong,the entire movie has ONE,yes,ONE!!!! Scary moment!And its a cheap shock too!The script is patheticly bad.And the movie is full of moments of plain stupidity! The visual effects look like they were made by claymation!

I have to admit the sound was quite good and creepy but it leads to nothing.The actors try to work with what little script they have,but its pointless anyways.Please avoid this clunker at all costs! This sequel has gotten a lot of flak from fans and critics alike but after seeing the pathetic Alien ressurection I realize that this movie was a decent ending for the series. Sure I didn't like it that some other survivors from Aliens got killed off right off the start of the movie and yes some of the Fx looked pretty cheesy.and no weapons?? But the things this movie has going for it is the sleek atmospheric look, the hybrid Alien ( Finally we see the alien take the features of an different non-human host). Some good acting from Sigourney and the rest of the cast. And a smart unexpected ending.

This movie really impressed me for one thing.the introduction of the cute spielbergian ET,no grey colored big eyed dwarfs like in the X-files.I'm sure if we ever encounter Aliens in real life they will look like this creature,black, slimy,eyeless and insectious.and that double fanged mouth.brilliant!This creature is our nightmares visualized in latex. The movie on the other hand is pretty good,the ensamble acting is great and the fx are very good.But there are some very slow spots,but all that is rectified once the creature starts having lunch on the crew members.Good movie but Aliens is better. I was really looking forward to this movie, I had already read the novel by Michael Crichton and couldn't wait to see how Steven Spielberg would film it.

But from the opening scene I went:'What the.?' The opening scene where the girl meets the compy was actually taken out of the ORIGINAL Jurassic park novel! So from there I knew something was wrong.And yes my fears came true, bad acting,giant plot holes and overused special effects( Oddly the dino's seem less fleshy and more 'plasticky' than the first film.don't ask me how.) The sequence when the T-rexes attack the trailer is the only good part of this film.But sadly that doesn't save this movie from being one of Spielberg's worst. I have always been a big fan of zombie movies ( The ONLY horror movies that have actually managed to scare my pants off!) And Dawn of the dead is quite good, the premise is great. I love to see the zombies stumble through the mall,once you've seen this one you'll never see malls the same light again. The fx range from VERY cheesy.The blue makeup used on the zombies makes them look like drunk clowns sometimes.

And don't even get me started on the blood! It looks like pepto bismol!!! But still a very fun movie. But not quite as good as 'Night of the living dead'. As the first episode of the star wars series this movie works quite well,it introduces us to all the familiar characters and finally shows us where they all started out in this epic saga. This movie has the BEST light sabre battles yet of all the movies,the Darth Maul/Obi wan kenobi battle scenes are SWEET!

And the pod race sequence was jaw dropping and utterly spectacular and the reason why I will see this movie again. But the movie has some serious problems that make it a chore to watch sometimes: Jar Jar Binks.( barf!!).he is so annoying that I hope they kill him off in episode 2!Just imagine a CGI Roger Rabbit with an high pitched annoying voice.

And while the special FX are hyper awesome they tend to be overused and seem to overstay their welcome at times. And this movie has some VERY dull spots,especially when they keep talking about all the senate/treaty crap.uhh!give us more light sabre fights already. But overall a good start for the series and I cant wait too see how episode 2 and 3 turn out.