Sinking Island Gif

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Sinking Island. Sinking island is an adventure game developed by White Birds Productions and Microids.This is another game of the creator Benoit Sokal. Plot: You will be a detective, Jack Norm, who will have to solve the murder of a multimillionaire Walter Jones, owner of a hotel on the island.

Sinking Island walkthroughSinking IslandByBenoit Sokal & White Birds ProductionWalkthrough byMaGtRo September 2008Gameplay:This is a third person point and click game. In opening the game, see an emptyframe; click on start button at bottom right. The next screen is a profile page:Continue, Create, Load and delete a profile selections are seen.The Main Menu has newgame, load a game, options, credits and view cinematics.The Options has gameoptions for subtitles; video options for antialiasing, level of details and modeand sound options for music, sound fx and voices selections.In new game, select thegame mode of your gameplay: adventure (not timed) or race against time mode(timed).During gameplay, see abrown notebook at top right of the screen. The right has the Personal PoliceAssistant (PPA) and the left has the inventory.Personal Police Assistant has Characters Database,Clue Database and Progression.The Character database has information about eachsuspect. The location where they are located during gameplay can be seen here.The Clue Database has the material clues, pictures,documents and declarations obtained during investigation.At left of the screen is the mandate that can beresolved after enough information is gathered.The mandate shown can be changed by clicking on apuzzle piece in the Progression screen.

The progress in gathering informationcan be seen at a bar below the mandate. When the progression bar of thatmandate is completely to the right, all the information is now available and themandate is ready to be resolved.The compare frame is at bottom of the screen. There isa head icon when clicked on shows a separate comparison frame. Here you selectone item from left column to compare to the right column.Progression shows the gameplay advancement as eachmandate is solved.

The mandates are shown as puzzle pieces. There can be severalmandates that need to be resolved at one time.Right click also accessthe inventory or click the zipped area left of the PPA.At bottom left of thescreen is either the back or the menu or quit button.The save screen has thepicture, date-time of saved game, date-time of the gameplay. Click on savebutton to see the saved picture at left column. Click cancel to go back to mainscreen.Double click makes Normruns. Right click sometimes skips the dialogues.Inspector Jack Normflies to Sagorah Island June 9th to check on the death of Walter Jones. Jack ismet by Hubert De Nolent, attorney to Mr. Jones.This is a very non linear game.

This walkthrough isjust one sequence of gameplay.At some time during gameplay, breaks in gameplayhappens: Norm gets hungry and will automatically go to the dining room orget a phone call from his wife which he will take in his suite. If such timeoccurs, go back to where the gameplay break happens and continue with the game.Exhaust all dialogues.Day 1:Friday June 9thFind out what happened that night.Tortoise Belvedere:Walter Jones' body:Look close at Walter Jones' body.Take a pictureof the Jones' face.Take note of theforehead wound, the scratches on the face with an embedded nail and the neckmark. It's up to the coroner to find the cause of death.Talk to Hubert de Nolentcompletely. Click on the Walter Jones' Affair file three times to ask Nolentquestions. Ba'i'na was seen pushing Walter.Ask Nolent ifWalter Jones' death is accidental. Mandate:Was Walter Jones' death accidental?PPA:After the investigation, the PPA flashes. Open the PPA and then the Cluesdatabase.To look close on files, click on the magnifyingglass.Picture -Click-hold-drop the picture of Jones' face from the right side to themandate frame (Pic).Declaration -Click the picture of Nolent and select 'No natural causes couldbe responsible for Jones' death'.

Drop the selected picture on the leftcolumn below the mandate. Closedeclarations.Click OK on theclues under the mandate column at left. Mandate:Who was at the Belvedere of Tortoise on the night of Walter Jones' death?PPA:Open the PPA and then the clues database.Declarations:Select 'Lorenzo did see Nolent on the night of Jones' death'. Place it on adeclaration square at left.Select 'Lorenzo affirms that he saw everything and that Jones tried to attack Ba'i'na'. Place it on a declaration square.Select 'Nolent saw Ba'i'na and Lorenzo outside last night'.

Place it on adeclaration square.Select 'Nolent clearly saw Lorenzo running from the belvedere last night'.Place it on a declaration square.Pictures:Select Nolent's shoe printsunder the arbor. Place it on a picture square.Select Ba'i'na's footprintsunder the arbor. Place it on a picture square.Select Ba'i'na's fingerprinton the wheelchair.

Place it on a picture square.Material clues:Select Beads fromBa'i'na's necklace. Place it on a material clue square.Select Scraps fromLorenzo's jacket.

Place it on a material clue square.Click OK button. Mandate resolved.Ba'i'na, Lorenzo andNolent all went to the Tortoise Belvedere the night before.Norm reports to hisboss.Later, get a call fromthe helicopter pilot stating that they already took the body of Jones.Inquireabout inheritance: Go back to the tower.Characters might not be where they are statedhere - check the character database to see where they are located at present.Billy Jones:Go to 15th floor. Knock on Suite 152. Talk to Billy.Go to bottom screen.Take the invitation on the stand at right (you can get this invitation fromMarco's suite also).

Read the invitation from Walter Jones.Talk to Billy again.Learn about Marco's political career.Clara Jones:Go up the grand staircase and go left. Go to bottom screen.Hear Clara on thephone about her father being at the intensive care.Talk to Clara.Take a knife from the first kitchen drawer on theleft wall.Christina andMarco's suite: Go to 14th floor. Knock on Suite 141.Go to bottom screen.Talk to Christina and then Marco.Sonia Jones:Go to Technical Workshop at 17th floor and talk to Sonia about everything.Lorenzo Battaglieri:Go to Technical Workshop at 17th floor and talk to Lorenzo.Ask about whathappened to Ba'i'na and Walter at the belvedere.Martin Abruzzi:Go to 18th floor and then to the heliport. Climb the stairs and go out to theheliport. Talk to Martin.Hubert de Nolent:Go to 21st floor and enter the library.Talk to Nolent.

Learnmore about the inheritance.Ask about whathappened to Ba'i'na and Walter at the belvedere.Ask about Jones'picture. Mandate:What happened between Walter Jones and Ba'i'na on Tortoise Belvedere?PPA:Open the PPA and then the clues database.Declarations:Select 'Nolent saw Ba'i'na push Walter Jones off of the cliff'. Place it ondeclaration square.Select 'Lorenzo affirms that he saw everything and that Jones tried to attack Ba'i'na'. Place it on declaration square.Material Clues:Select Beads fromBa'i'na's necklace.

Place it on a material clue square at left.Picture:Select-click/holdPicture of Walter Jones' face. Place-drop it on picture square at left.Select Picture ofskid marks from Jones' wheelchair. Place it on picture square at left.Select Picture ofchaotic footprints.

Place it on picture square.Click OK button.Mandate resolved.A dispute with Ba'i'nais what caused Walter Jones to fall.Norm reports to hisboss.Norm gets sleepy andgoes to his suite to sleep.Day 2:Saturday June 10Look for the murder weapon.Jack Norm's suite:Norm gets a good news-bad news call from his boss.Normis now the official investigator of the case.The autopsy report will be faxedvia Nolent's office. Walter Jones didn'tdie from the fall.Exit the suite.Library:Go to the 21st floor. Use the elevator to the 18th floor. Enter the heliportlounge. Take the elevator at left and go to the 21st floor.Hubert de Nolent:Talk to Nolent. Based on Norm's rogatory commission, Norm asks for the key cardto all the rooms.Nolent states to ask Lorenzo for the key cards.Nolent moves away.Read the rogatorycommission and the 5 page autopsy report at Clues database's document.Walter Jones was shotand that is the cause of death.

Mandate:What was the cause of W. Jones' death?PPA:Open the PPA, progression and select the mandate 'What was the cause of W.Jones' death'.Then open theclues database.Declaration:Select 'Fax ofautopsy report' and place it on declaration square at left.Click OKbutton. Mandate resolved.Walter Jonesdied from a gunshot wound to his back which perforated his right lung.Norm callsthe report in to Reeves.Library:Window:Go to the window behind Nolent's desk. The ocean has covered the island.

Theisland is sinking.Check thewindow sill. Take a picture of window sill with woodchips.Take thewoodchips.Desk:Check Nolent's desk.Open the topdrawer and take the Act of Renunciation. Read the Renunciation documentfor placement under psychiatric observation of Walter Jones. It was signed bySonia and Billy Jones.

Close drawer.Open themiddle drawer and take-read the letter of Walter Jones to Nolent.Jones' tricked the family by promising reconciliation. Close drawer.Open thebottom drawer and read the letter from a Houston lawyer hired by Soniaand Billy to place Jones under psychiatric supervision.Nolent:Go to middle of room and talk to Nolent completelyincluding the 3 mandates topics.WalterJones' Office: Go to the left and enter through the doubledoors.Portrait:Take a picture of the portrait of Walter Jones on the wall left of the door.Look at thepicture of Jones in Clues database.

See the chain around his neck.Window:Go to the window and look out to the ocean. The ocean has covered the island.The island has sunk.Gun case:Go to bottom screen and look close at gun case.Rightdrawer: Open the right bottom drawer and take theclean rag used by Jones to clean his rifles.Use pad ofwhite paper on the bottle at right end of the drawer to get flax oilstain.Take thebottle of flax oil.Leftdrawer: Open the left drawer. Examine the box ofcartridges for a 270 Winchester short magnum at left end of the drawer.

Thebox is missing cartridges.Rifles:Open the gun case and study the 5 rifles.Take noteof the light brown 270 Winchester second from top and the dark brown 270Winchester at the bottom.Use theclean rag on both 270 Winchester rifles.See thatthe light brown second from top is dirty with burned powder and has beenused recently.Fingerprint: Use the graphite powder on the lightbrown 270 Winchester rifle.Take apicture of the fingerprint and the picture of the scratch mark on therifle.Take thetelescopic bolt action rifle. Mandate:Where was the shot fired from?PPA:Open the PPA, progression and select the mandate 'Where was the shot firedfrom'.Then open theclues database.

Mandate:Was the chain that W. Jones wore around his neck stolen?PPA:Open the PPA, progression and select the mandate 'Was the chain that Joneswore around his neck stolen'.Then open the clues database.Material clues (M):Click hold dropFragment of W. Jones' chain on the material clues square at left.Picture:(P) Click hold drop thepicture of Nolent's prints on W.

Jones' key on the picture square at left.(PIC) Click hold drop thepicture of Walter Jones' painted portrait on the picture square at left.Documents (D):Click hold drop the Fax of autopsy on the document square at left.Declarations (DEC):Click hold drop 'Nolent pretends that he took the key only to help W. Jones' on thedeclarations square atleft.Click hold drop 'Lorenzo confirms that W. Jones was wearing his chain' on the declarations square atleft.Click hold drop 'Lorenzo states W.

Jones wore his chain as always' on the declarations square atleft.Click hold drop 'Sonia confirms that W. Jones was wearing his chain' on the declarations square atleft.Click the OK button.Mandate resolved.Hubert de Nolent stole the key from Walter Jones'neck.Norm calls the resultin to Reeves.Walter Jones' suite: Go to20th floor. You might and might not see Kolio waiting to go inside the room. He says that he just wantsto see the riches in Jones' room'Panel: Enter and Kolio goesdirectly to the alcove at top of the screen. There is a panel with a flashingred light under the painting.Check the bathing room across the door.Bedroom: Go to bottom screenand check the bedroom. Take the agreement for social domiciliation of theJones' company and the W.

Jones Maladavian nationality agreement fromthe coffee table. Read them in documents at Clues database.Go to the dresser left of the bed and take the Goldwheelchair 2005 manual. Read it to learn about Jones' wheelchair.Safe: Look close at the safeat bottom left of the bedroom. Mandate:W hat did W. Jones' safe contain? IsNolent responsible for the theft?PPA:Open the PPA, progression and select the mandate 'What did W. Mandate:W ho were the last people to go intothe library before the murder?PPA:Open the PPA, progression and select the mandate 'Who were the last people togo into the library before the murder'.Then open the clues database.Documents (D):Click hold dropPrint out of library lock from 9-11:59 pm on the documents clues square at left.Click the OK button.Mandate resolved.Nolent and Simbi Laktar are the last people to havebeen present on the crime scenes.Norm calls the resultin to Reeves.Talk to Lorenzocompletely.

The chapel is in Jones' bedroom. Simbi Laktar went and stayed at theTechnical workshop.Talk to Lorenzo again.Check the other characters.Heliport lounge:Go to 19th floor.Kolio and Ba'i'na:Go left of the bar and left again.Talk to Kolio. Learnabout the Chapel of Anna Jones.Talk to Ba'i'na.Sonia Jones:Go to the other side of the lounge.Talk to Sonia Jones.Christina Bromski:Go to the right and watch Martin hovering over a sick Christina.

Marco is upsetabout this attention.Talk to Christina. Aftertalking to her, click on the suitcase and ask permission to open it.Larger light brownsuitcase: Open the larger light brown suitcase and get themissing altar diagram and Walter-Marco Jones' relation file. Readthem in the documents. Learn that Marco is handing 10% of his inheritance toNolent. Marco's father is really his supposed grandfather. Edouard, Walter's sonwas murdered.Talk to Christina again.Sonia Jones:Go to the left of the lounge.


Talk to Sonia Jones. Learn about Christina andMartin, Sonia's husband.Martin Abruzzi:Talk to Martin.

Get his fingerprint.18th floor:Go to the elevator outside the heliport lounge.Look at the plant leftof the elevator. Take the piece of letter to Isabella Jones. Read theletter.Compare the letterwritten by Nolent from the left column and the part of ripped letter.

IntroductionThis walkthrough assumes you are playing in Adventure mode, rather than Race Against Time. Make sure you ask each character about everything you can. When you are automatically taken away somewhere because you need to eat or make a phone call, just go back to where you were beforehand and continue the walkthrough. If you can't find a character where it says to look in the walkthrough, use the Character Database in your PPA to locate them.

Day 1, Friday June 9thTalk to Nolent, then take a photo of the body's face. In your PPA you can now solve your first mandate. Mandate 1: Was Walter Jones' death accidental?.

Declaration: Nolent explains that no natural causes could be responsible for Walter Jones' death. Picture: Photo of Walter Jones' faceYou will automatically call your boss and be allowed to continue your investigation. Talk to Nolent again, but he can't help you any further at this stage. Climb up the ladder, and he will give you a list of people on the island, and your room key.

You will automatically look at the ground here - take a photo of the wheelchair marks and footprints, and pick up the beads. Next go and look at the wheelchair near the cliff edge. Take a photo of the blood on the rock, pick up the gold chain, and look at the armrest to see a piece is missing.

Look at the fingerprints, and you will decide you need to see the architect to get some graphite.Leave the crime scene and follow the path, then take a detour off towards the top left of the screen to find a scrap of grey fabric on a rock. Take this, then go back and follow the path until you reach the bridge. Look at the footprints near the left post and take a photo of them. Cross the bridge, and you will see a native girl run away.

You will then automatically listen to Lorenzo and Sonia. Talk to both of them twice and you will also get photographs of their shoes, and a photo of Sonia's hands.Go back up the stairs and over the bridge. Follow the native girl for a couple of screens, then head on to the beach and follow this until you reach a hut. Look at the footprints on the ground near the hut and take another photo. Talk to Baina and Kolio, then head inside.

Look in both boxes and take the letter, beads and gift. Close the boxes and use your PPA.

Compare Baina's hands with Jones' face, Baina's necklace with the beads from the crime scene, and Baina's footprints with the bare footprints from the crime scene. Outside, take a photograph of the pyramid in the background, then talk to Baina and Kolio again. Head back to Lorenzo and Sonia, and talk to both of them, then finally enter the tower.Go over to the reception desk and take the menu and tourist brochure. Head to the red elevator in the back right corner of the lobby (the other one is broken) and go up to floor 17. In this Technical Workshop, cross the room and pick up the screwdriver, blowtorch, gloves and goggles. Go back to the elevator and head up to floor 18. Go right into the Heliport Lounge, then down to the left and into the elevator.

Go up to floor 22, then right into Lorenzo's office. Inside, take the gold medal from the cabinet on the left, and the grey jacket from the cupboard on the right.

With your PPA, compare this jacket to the torn piece of fabric. Go down the stairs and across to the desk. Take the documents in each of the drawers. Look at the computer and you will comment that you need to ask Lorenzo about it.

Pick up the pencil and small pad of paper, then put the pencil in the sharpener, turn the handle, and pick up the graphite filings.Now return to the elevator and go down to floor 21. Head through the door into the library and talk to Nolent to get a photograph of his shoes. Using your PPA, compare his shoes to the shoeprints to get a match. Now talk to him about everything. Leave the library, and go back through the Heliport Lounge on floor 18 to the other elevator, taking it down to floor L2. Go down and right twice and you will find two people in the dining room.

Talk to Cristina and Marco, then head back past the elevator and around to the kitchen. Diamond rush free download. Talk to Martin, Billy and Clara, then talk to Billy and Martin a second time.Leave the tower and go back to the crime scene. Look at the wheelchair, then use your graphite on the fingerprints and take a photo of them. Now you need to visit Lorenzo, Sonia, Nolent, Kolio and Baina to get each of their fingerprints; make sure you also talk to each of these people while you are there. Compare Baina's fingerprints with those from the wheelchair.

You should now be able to solve the next mandate.